Doss Fast Flatbed Freight™
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Payment Terms: Rich Doss, Inc. requests that all shipments be paid in full within 15 days or less from the ship date of the order. Rich Doss, Inc. reserves the right to COD any shipment at anytime for any reason upon delivery and may hold such delivery until payment is received.

Failure to Meet Terms; Failure to meet the above terms will result in one or all of the following: Service Interruption, Loss of Discount, Refusal of Service, COD Status, Referral to Collection Agencies.

New customers: New customers will be automatically placed on COD status on pickup or delivery until all credit has been verified and established.

Claims: Claim must be submitted within 30 days of shipment for either damage or loss. All claims that are not noted on the time of receipt will be automatically denied.

Cliam Forms: To receive a claim form, check the website: or call (800) 654-7200.

Service Delays: Rich Doss, Inc. is not responsible for any such costs arising from delays of service to any company, either accidental, purposeful or unintentional.

Packaging: Any claims resulting in un-proper packaging will be denied. All material must be packaged in accordance with NMFC Classification rules and extra care must be taken for flatbed transport. Rich Doss, Inc. will offer any help if requested for guidance in this area. For more information on NMFC or to obtain NMFC class software go to:

Classifying: Rich Doss, Inc. reserves the right to inspect all cargo for proper packaging and classification via the NMFC Classification rules as well as the proper and safe packaging for transport. Failure to properly package material for transport may resulting additional charges, storage fees, labor, and delaying of your shipment to it's final destination.

Weight: Rich Doss, Inc. reserves the right to verify all weights of all shipments given to Rich Doss, Inc. Weights that are provided incorrectly by the shipper are subject to rate adjustments and may include administrative and other additional surcharges.

Delays: Shipments unable to be delivered for any reason other than the fault of the carrier will be held for 24hrs at which time storage/detention/re-delivery fees may apply.

Guaranteed Shipments: By checking & Signing the Guaranteed Shipment in the front box. The billed party agrees to pay a 25% flat increase to the standard freight charge for that billing customer to ensure a delivery by 3:00 the next regular delivery day. Rich Doss, Inc.'s failure to meet this deadline may result in a 25% reduction to the base standard freight charge for that billing customer.

If you have any questions about the above terms & conditions call
(800) 654-7200 or see our Tariff section for more details of our charges and services.